Monday, February 19, 2007

Moved into the Shack

Well this evening I moved into the Shack. I have decided Shack is a more appropriate word than house. Margie, my land lady, did a wonderful job of cleaning the place up. She left many items, including a bed, couch, TV, VCR/DVD, microwave, coffee maker, and pots, pans, and dishes. I am set for the bush life. One thing I needed was fuel oil. There was five gallons in the barrel, but that would not last. I setup an account and arranged for forty more gallons. Then I found out I had to transport the oil. Skip, the maintenance man helped me out there. He had the oil pumped into a 55 gallon barrel on a sled which he pulled behind his snow machine. Then when we got to the Shack he used a pump to move it into the 55 gallon barrel at the house. This 40 gallons should last about two weeks. The cost $200. A little steep, but what can you do.

I am busy making the Shack home. The plywood floor is painted a gray color. There is a runner rug in front of the couch. The place is lit by four bare bulbs like you would see in a garage or unfinished basement. I am working on getting some lamps. The windows have curtains, but not rods. Priscilla is sending some to me. I plan to move the bed from the second floor to the first for the winter. This way I can save on heating costs. I do have a shower upstairs, but I think I will choose to use the school shower facilities. I have a feeling I would run out of water at the Shack.

Tomorrow is my first day working with the children. I look forward to getting to know them. It certainly is an adventure. One which I will not soon forget. I am going to head back to the Shack now. My internet is at the school. The path is well lit by street lights. I feel like I am in the city. It is very difficult to see the stars with all the lights. I don’t know if I will ever see the Northern Lights. Priscilla has been her for five years and has yet to see them. I will keep trying.

I hope you are all well. I think of you often in your warm, finished homes. I send lots of love, hugs, and kisses. Take care,

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