Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sunday, Sunday

It is Sunday afternoon. I am still living out of my classroom. The house should be ready tomorrow. I am looking forward to getting to my own place, yet very comfortable where I am. I have been sleeping a lot as I am still fighting a cold. I work on my room for short periods between resting and eating. My portable DVD player has become one of my treasured possessions. I picked up some drawing paper and pencils in Anchorage and hope to start drawing again. I will have plenty of time.

This is the first clear day in Grayling. The sun floats at about forty degrees above the horizon all day. The sunrise and sunset lasts for over an hour. I hope to see the Northern Lights this evening. I hear they are spectacular! I just have to be sure to wake up. The best viewing is between midnight and three am. There has been a lot of activity on the sun, which makes for a grand display. I hope to see the reds and purples dance in the night sky. Don’t worry, I will let you know when I see them for the first time.

I just returned from a walk outside. I wanted to see if the store was open. It’s not. I did notice something I never noticed before. There is no need to plow as everyone gets around on snow machine. As I was walking, I noticed the top of a bike rack. The snow has been back down and I was walking on three feet of snow. The spring is going to be a mess! The temp is about ten degrees. There is a slight wind, but very slight. All the houses have smoke billowing from the roof tops. There are dogs at every house. Outside of course, as no native would bring an animal indoors. The sight that caught my eye was the laundry hanging on the lines. They are drying their cloths in the chilly cold of the outdoors. It was a strange sight. I checked to see where I could wash and dry my clothing. There is a washer and dryer at the school. I am so glad. I can’t imagine hanging my cloths in forty below weather. I would think it would crack in two.

Well it’s time to get back to sorting through the many books and boxes in my classroom. I hope you are all well. I sure do miss each and every one of you.

Love you all,

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