Saturday, February 17, 2007

Pictures of my House

Good evening,

It is Saturday afternoon and the sun is out for the first time. I have been busy at work cleaning out my classroom. It has not been used for children for many months, resulting in a vary large closet. If anyone didn’t know where to put it, this is where it ended up. I have been throwing away lots of things. I have finally opened up the room, getting rid of filing cabinets, tables, and desks. I will share my room with a pre-school teacher for two hours per day. My main objective it to get him the room he needs to work effectively with these very young children. If the small ones can be serviced well, it may prevent some of the children from being placed in Special Education (Sped) in the future.

Most of the Sped Children are here for speech. There isn’t a lot of conversation in the native homes. They only say what is necessary. Therefore, the children do not have speech patterned for them. Now add to the mix the fact that natives do not talk to their children the way we do in the lower 48 and you have masses of children with speech delays. I service fifteen children in Grayling. All but two receive services because of speech related difficulties.

I have attached a picture of the house I will be living in. I use the term house loosely. In reality it is a two room shack. I will not be spending much time there. It is a shame to pay so much for so little, but this is a good price here.

The secretary is traveling to Anvil, a city

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