Monday, April 2, 2007

You know its spring in Alaska when its forty below

Good morning,
Things have been a little frantic around here for the last month. I have had house guests for the last three weeks. Yesterday was my first day alone sense February. It was deathly silent. Even Shadow was gone as I allowed him to venture off into the outdoors. He still has not returned. I think he went back to Josh, his former owner. Josh will bring him back within a few days.

The spring thaw has started. The temperature reached thirty-eight degrees yesterday. We had a light snow which quickly melted. There is still a good three feet of snow packing the ground. The muddy season is just around the corner. I saw my first Alaska mosquito yesterday. Unbelievable! Snow on the ground and mosquitoes buzzing in the crisp air. I am told there will be swarms before the river breaks up in May.

At the end of the month I will accompany the fourth graders on a class trip. We will be going to Seward on the Kenai peninsula. The Alaska Sea Life Centerthe main attraction we will be visiting. I am told there is also a possibility of going on a whale watching cruse. What an adventure. I will be taking along the school camera to capture the experience.

I received my contract for next year. It includes an unprecedented eight percent raise, due to a well negotiated contract. I have decided to sign for a second year. Of course Mickey and Nickey will be joining me for more than half of the year. Each of us will take two round trips next year. A lot of travel, but the experience will be well worth it.

Well, I have to get ready for the start of the day. I hope you are all well and have a wonderful Easter Holiday. My two boys, Mickey and Nickey, will be traveling to Pittsburgh on Wednesday for a week with Tanya and her family. I wish I could be with them.

Take care and enjoy the spring weather,

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