Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter

Last Thursday I flew over to McGrath aboard a 1968 Piper 32-300. In the picture, Grayling 020, you can see Priscilla getting out of the plane. I rode in the co-pilot’s seat. It was quite the view. On the way over I spotted a snow covered plane with half a wing missing which made an emergency landing on a river. It was a little discomforting as we were flying in very turbulent weather. I became especially concerned when the pilot decided to get his digital camera out and flip through his pictures. Evidently flying a plane does not require one to hold the wheel like driving a car. I decided it was time to take a nap. The other pictures are of Grayling and some mountains on the flight.

This morning I went to Easter Service at the school. It was non-denominational, but in the Southern Baptist spirit. There was lots of singing. Our superintendent is a minister, so he was one of the presenters. He gave a wonderful presentation using PowerPoint. That’s correct, a PowerPoint presentation during Easter Service. The presentation was titled Historical Proof of the Resurrection. Very well presented. I think if he had been in a court of law, he would have won. Easter Service was followed by a Fellowship Brunch. It was a wonderful way to start the day.

I have been suffering with a tooth ache. Priscilla, my boss and friend, is insisting that I go to Anchorage to have it taken care of. I was concerned about being in an unfamiliar town undergoing a surgical procedure. Priscilla volunteered to accompany me. Quite an offer considering it will cost her over a thousand dollars for air fair, hotel, and time off from work. There is a saying in Alaska that each friend you make in Alaska is a friend for life. It certainly would appear so.

Michael, Nicolas, Tricia, Tanya, Gary, and Calvin are all in Pittsburgh for the holiday. I sure do miss them. I am trying to remember the last time all of our children were all together. I believe it was seven years ago, Easter, in Colorado. I wish I was there.

Well I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!

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